International Journal of Computer Science and Technology Vol 7 issue 1 (ACSECT 2016) Jan-Mar 2016

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Adaptation of Diffusion of Innovations Theory for Successful ERP Implementation

Kanishka Samudaya Nanayakkara, Nisanka Kusumsiri, Prasad Perera

Information and Communications Technology (ICT) plays a critical role in today’s organization environment and Information Systems (ISs) hold an enormous control in organizational operations with data entering is governed by it. Enterprise Systems (ESs) such as Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Supply Chain Management (SCM), Advance Planning and Scheduling (APS) systems are the most cutting-edge IS in present corporate world covering all the business sectors.

ERP system connects the organization’s different operations organized into a single large integrated system with proper controls so that interconnectivity creates an extra opportunity for growth and increased productivity of the depending divisions [1]. Organizations invest millions of dollars to implement a suitable ERP system with enormous effort consuming hundreds man months of an implantation team to harvest these benefits. Successful implementation of ERP heavily depends on human-factors [1-2]. [1] and [3] presented that organization’s implementation team is highly critical to success of ERP implementation.

According to the Diffusion of Innovation theory, most individuals evaluate new technology through subjective evaluations of near-peers who have adopted the technology [4]. Early adopters decrease the uncertainty about a novel idea by adopting it and then conveying near-peers through interpersonal networks [4]. The present research attempts to identify any relationship between ‘Diffusion of Innovations Theory’ and core implementation team of successful ERP project.

This research is based on a mixed methodology of qualitative and quantitative methods in two stages. In the stage one, 24 participants were researched implementing qualitative methodology. In the stage two, 104 participants were researched by means of quantitative methods. Initially, qualitative methods of interviews were conducted to categorize the ERP project as successful or unsuccessful, impact of implementation team in success or failure. In the stage two, short questionnaires were implemented to quantitatively categorize implementation team members based on Diffusion of Innovations Theory. Collected data were analysed compared with project success and impact of implementation team. Furthermore, secondary data such as literature was also contributory to the main outcome and results.
The research shows that most of the ERP implementation team consist of Early Adopters and Early Majority. Early Majority have above average social status, contact with Early Adopters and hold lower level of opinion leadership compared with Early Adopters in a system [4]. Early Adopters decrease the uncertainty about a novel idea and technology by adopting it and then transmitting to near-peers through interpersonal networks [4]. The impact of human characteristics on ERP project implementation has similar impact as innovation establishing in the society, which is demonstrated by ‘Diffusion of Innovations Theory’. The research shows, if the majority of implementation team consists of Early Adopters, they will mitigate the uncertainty about a new Enterprise Software Solution by adopting it very quickly and then transmitting to other employees through interpersonal and organizational networks. The study also reveals ways in which sensible selection of implementation team could be conducted to assist the successful implementation of ERP.
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An Investigative Approach of Web Data Mining Tools for Web Analytics

Dr. Arvind K Sharma, Dr. Anubhav Kumar

Web mining is the application of data mining techniques to extract knowledge from web data, including web documents, hyperlinks between documents usage of web sites. The web is the interesting area of research. With the help of Web mining, the user obtains the required information accurately. Web mining is categorized into three types: web content mining, web structure mining and web usage mining. In this paper the taxonomy of web mining and an investigative approach of several web data mining tools for web analytics are presented. Full Paper

Representation by Quadratic Forms Over Field of the P-adic Numbers

Ms. Chetna, Dr. Hardeep Singh

. In this paper, we attempt to find the solution of the quadratic forms over local field Qp and then we give the representation of elements by these quadratic forms in Qp. This paper provides the extension of the concept of congruence modulo p-adic integers and p-adic numbers and solves them. Further, we link it with congruence on the integers modulo powers of prime numbers. The properties of the p-adic numbers are also discussed and most importantly an attempt is being made to re-formulate the Hensal Lemma with a different approach.
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Statistical Features Extraction for Indian Language Documents

Manoj Kumar Shukla, Haider Banka

India is a multi-lingual, multi script country. Therefore developing a successful multi-lingual OCR, system for feature extraction of different scripts is a very important step. In this paper we discussed a Statistical Features based algorithm for feature extraction. A family of procedures for measuring relevant shape information in a pattern in order to make the task of classifying pattern easy is called Feature Extraction. It analyses a segment of text and selects features which are unique to the text and can be used to identify it. The soul of pattern recognition system design is selection of features that are stable and representative.
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E-Banking in India: Bankers’ Problems Perspective

Dr. Dhiraj Sharma, Ms. Namita Singla

In the era of deregulation, privatisation and globalisation, the Indian public banks are now looking at the technology route to stay ahead in the competition. So far the private banks have been the winners but now the public sector banks are rapidly catching up with the technology adoption. India is formulating regulatory and technological standards to make banking a secure and pleasant experience. But Indian public banks have a long way to go. In India, very few banks have been successful in developing effective strategies for fully exploiting the opportunities offered by the electronic channels. For public banks to define what niche markets to serve and decide what products/services to offer, there is a need for a clear and e-business strategy. The findings clearly indicate that public banks are plagued by infrastructure problems, poor PC penetration, poor telecommunication network policies and slow paced regulatory initiatives. However, the banks are optimistic that these would be taken care of and in the near future large numbers would start using Internet for banking purposes.
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Different Personality Dimensions and Scholastic Performance of School Going Adolescents

Dr. Rumki Gupta

Mental health issues are fast becoming a new focus of education. In school it is observed that the dominant children employ their aggression to assert power and dominance. In a class, these students are often found to behave in manners causing uneasiness among their classmates and disturb other students with their bad manners. Technically, they are called bullies. On the other hand, some students in the class may be characterized as passive, anxious, weak, lacking self confidence, having low self-esteem etc. Bullying among school students is rather an old phenomenon. Bullying can affect a child or teen’s mental health and wellbeing. It is linked to many negative outcomes including impacts on mental health. They experience decreased academic achievement. The present empirical study was undertaken to assess bullying behavior in schools and its effect on personality and scholastic performance. Total 146 students reading in class VII and VIII of schools in two districts of West Bengal i.e., Kolkata and Hooghly comprised the sample of the study. Peer Relation Questionnaire and one Personality Questionnaire were administered on the students. The annual examination marks of the students were considered as scholastic performance. The results reveal that bullying exists at various levels in the schools. Other students have scores in lower side on personality questionnaire in comparison to the bully students. Scholastic performance for bully students was found to be marginally lower than the others. The data have been analysed from different angles.
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A Review on Security Issues in Cloud Computing

Satinder Kaur, Dr. S S Khurmi

Security is the one of the major issues today in network applications around the world. In other words Security is the barrier for the adoption of Cloud Computing. In this paper, we will highlight the major security threats in Cloud Computing Systems and also discuss about the different aspects to be focused while talking about cloud security. We have categorised these threats from different viewpoint, providing a helpful and little-known list of threats. After that some effective counter measures area are listed and explained.
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Identifying System Errors through Web Server Log Files in Web Log Mining

Arjun Ram Meghwal, Dr. Arvind K Sharma

Web log mining is an application of data mining techniques to discover usage patterns from web data, in order to better serve the needs of web based applications. The user access log files present significant information about a web server. Websites have been playing vital role in providing an information and knowledge to the end users. Web usage patterns are an important aspect to discover hidden and meaningful information. It will be a big challenge in web log mining when the volume of traffic is large and the volume of web data is still in the growing phase. To face the challenges, an approach for web log mining is shown. In this paper we have been identifying system errors through web server log files for web log mining with the help of web log analyzer.
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Bharat Operating System Solutions: An Initiative Towards Freedom

Harmaninder Jit Singh Sidhu, Dr. Sawtantar Singh Khurmi, Akhil Goyal

There has been a gradual increase in numbers of open source (OS) projects in the recent times and they are becoming more and more in number as the commercial sector is making big contributions in these projects so as to make profits from their investments. This is made possible by the development of indigenous projects by various IT giants, local companies, small and medium scale IT industry and government sector. These private and public sectors are investing in FOSS (Free and Open Source Software) projects to fulfil their routine needs by customising the traditional FOSS projects like LINUX to suit their own domestic environment. One such effort is the customized version of LINUX called Bharat Operating System Solutions popularly known as BOSS. This is an initiative taken by Government of India to launch its own operating system parallel to the world wide famous operating system known as Windows. Providing support in different languages used/spoken across the country (India), BOSS is a very user friendly GUI based operating system. The incredible India is a land of different cultures, religions and languages. Almost every state in India has its own language. With this point of view BOSS becomes very important in the country because of its multilingual support for different states and hence different languages in the country. To conclude the development of BOSS is going to prove a milestone in the FOSS development era which has already started in the country.
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Ethical Leadership Practice Ensures the Noticeable Organizational Glory

Rudrarup Gupta

Ethics is always a prestigious determinant for any community and an united occupational vicinity, where every individual should be reflecting their moral values, manners and an agreeable dignity to establish the desired culture and a professional celerity through an urge, self trust and self esteem in deed. Business Leaders do have the prodigious responsibility for the utmost organizational welfare to be truly enriched. That is why they are pre-determined to present an incredible shape to their associated organization through their destined directions, actions, new creations and professional conditions of commitment and performance. This is how all the successful leaders do make a World-Wide network and they do procure the business through sailing their high quality principals and their dogmatic educational radiance.
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Performance Analysis of Heterogeneous Earliest Time First Algorithm: A Cloud Computing Prospective

Er. Pallavi Narang, Dr. I.S. Hudiara, Dr. S.S. Khurmi

Cloud Computing has become means to deploy large scale systems involving tasks prioritizing and processor selection phases in a robust and cost effective manner. The maintenance of large scale systems involves monitoring which allows for the detection of faults, errors and anomalies and the enacting of optimization and corrective measures. Monitoring large scale systems is significant challenge requiring accessing of large volumes of data and near real time analysis. In this paper we propose various software metrics that will allow evaluation of Heterogeneous earliest time first algorithm on the basis of computation and communication cost. We describe in detail the mechanisms which enable HEFT to function effectively and explore the performance of HEFT through a detailed evaluation.
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Green Marketing and Its Emerging Stage: A Review

Naveenjot Kaur

Green marketing is the area of vital attention. While discussing it industry should start following it in terms of Green products. The objective of this paper is to study the implementation and its emergence. In my opinion, the new color of business is Green. The combination of rising energy costs, appetite for technological advancements has raised the concept of Green marketing to heights and brought it into the consideration of business world and the government itself. The marketing mix should be executed in such a way that it facilitates the consumption, production, packaging, distribution, promotion in manner that is responsive to ecological concerns.
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Study of Serial Queuing Processes With Phase Type Service and Reneging

Ms. Rajvinder Kaur

The present paper provides the steady state analysis of queuing system with phase type service in the sense that one service channel is linked in series with two non serial service channels which are in biseries. The input process is Poisson and service time distribution is exponential and service discipline follows FCFS (First come first served). In this, the customer may leave the system without getting the service. Waiting space is infinite in model-A and finite in model-B. For this particular queuing system, formulas for mean queue length, steady state marginal probabilities have been derived. Numerical solutions have been discussed and conclusions have also been derived from possible outcomes.
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Applications of Hexagonal Ferrites in Ultra High Frequency Range Especially in GHz Range

Dr. Brijesh Singh, Bharti Papnai, Tulika Mehta

. In the communication sector, ferrites have been playing a crucial role for last three decades. In the present times, hexaferrites especially CO2Z hexaferrite finds its potential application in GHz range i.e., in 3G and 4G spectrum. The beauty of CO2Z hexaferrite is that it is magnetically soft and structurally hexagonal in nature. These can be synthesized by soft chemical route especially Sol-Gel or Auto Combustion method in a controlled manner at a much lower temperature than that required for existing hexaferrites. Their magnetic/microwave properties can be controlled by varying the size of the CO2Z hexaferrite. In this paper we have investigated use of hexaferrite for high frequency signal transmission. Optimization of electromagnetic properties of hexaferrite is required so as to make best use of these materials for electronics and communication technologies.
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Paper removed due to Technical issue



The Risk Level of Viet Nam Electric Power Industry Under Financial Leverage During and After the Global Crisis 2009-2011

Dinh Tran Ngoc Huy

This paperwork evaluates the impacts of external financing on market risk for the listed firms in the Viet nam electric power industry, esp. during and after the financial crisis 2009-2011.
First of all, by using quantitative and analytical methods to estimate asset and equity beta of total 6 listed companies in Viet Nam electric power industry with a proper traditional model, we found out that the beta values, in general, for many institutions are acceptable.
Second, under 3 different scenarios of changing leverage (in 2011 financial reports, 30% up and 20% down), we recognized that the risk level, measured by equity and asset beta mean, decreases when leverage increases to 30% but increases more if leverage decreases down to 20%.
Third, by changing leverage in 3 scenarios, we recognized the dispersion of risk level, measured by equity beta var, increases from 0,145 to 0,164 if the leverage increases to 30% whereas decreases to 0,139 if leverage decreases to 20%. But the dispersion measured by asste beta var decreases to 0,057 (leverage down 20%), showing leverage impact.
Finally, this paper provides some outcomes that could provide companies and government more evidence in establishing their policies in governance.
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Microfinance: A Tool For Poverty Alleviation

Sumanjeet Kaur

The study highlights the microfinance growth and performance for poverty alleviation in India. The intervention of microfinance through SHGs has brought tremendous changes in the life of beneficiaries. The overall growth of the microfinance industry has been promoted not only by market forces but also by conscious actions of Government, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and the donors who view microfinance as an effective tool for eradicating poverty. The paper attempts to review the performance of SHG- bank linkage programme in India and across three major institution- commercial banks, cooperative and regional rural banks.
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Analysis of Cloud Computing Security Framework in E-governance

Sapanjeet Kaur, Dr. Dinesh Kumar

The concept of cloud computing becomes important for each government, facilitating its way of work, increasing its productivity and all that leading to cost savings. Different country chooses different strategy for adoption of cloud computing with a possibility to become better and more effective e-government.The aim of the present paper is to study the services of cloud computing in e-governance, challenges in implementing and various security issues and methodology to prevent the threats of data.
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A Comparative Review on Energy Aware Job Scheduling Methods in Cloud Computinge

Gurpreet Singh Sandhu, Dr. Sawtantar Singh Khurmi, Dr. I.S.Hudiara

The cloud platform is the upcoming platform of development and database storage. As the world is working on the conservation of energy, it is also necessary that the platform we are choosing to save our data should be energy efficient. So, this paper will present various job scheduling methods in cloud computing as well three cloud storage services like MICROSOFT, GO DADDY and RACKSPACE. In the end comparison between various parameters, i.e. Jobs Completed, System Crash, Performance Ratio, Processing Time, Energy Consumed, Job Grouping has been presented.
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Technostress and Personality Traits – Are they Associated? – Evidence from Indian Bankers

Dr. Dhiraj Sharma, Tavleen Kaur Gill

The technology usage which mostly results in technostress varies from person to person. This explains the importance of personality traits which leads to different capabilities of coping up with strain experienced by extensive technology use. The change in the technology used at workplace is inevitable; therefore it is necessary to train bank employees on the basis of their customized needs. For this, study of personality is required to be assessed, so that the resistance towards the technology change can be minimized. The results are based on both primary and secondary mode of research study. Six hundred respondents were interviewed through questionnaire from various public, private, SBI & Associates and foreign sector banks in Punjab and Haryana.The present study is conducted on the basis of the NEO-PIR scale given by Paul T. Costa and Robert and the relation of personality traits like neuroticism, extroversion, conscientiousness, agreeableness and openness etc. with strain experienced by bank employees of commercial banks were analysed. It is need of the hour to take behavioural aspects of human force working rather than only taking into consideration of aspects regarding financial and technological advancements
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Energy Optimizing Hybrid Genetic Algorithm During VM Migrations in Data Center

Inderjit Singh Dhanoa, Dr. Sawtantar Singh Khurmi

Energy Consumption is the crucial factor in Cloud Data centers that leads to acquire high cost of running budget. As demand for resources increases in cloud computing, energy consumption of data centers also becomes high. In today’s era, virtualization has become one of the most essential solutions in minimization of energy consumption. Virtual Machine Placement on hosts is the main concept which carried out during Virtual Machine migrations in data centers. Virtual Machine migration helps to utilize hardware resources of hosts, but leads to extra energy overhead in Data centers. The main objective of this work is to optimize energy consumption in the context of energy overhead during VM Live Migration. Our proposed hybrid algorithm provisions various VMs to hosts in a way that to minimize energy consumption, while delivering approved Quality of Service with minimum migration overhead. Results demonstrate that proposed EOHGA algorithm minimized energy consumption and migration overhead with defined test problems as compare to base VM Placement method.
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A Four Variable Model on the Risk Level of VietNam Hardware Industry During and After the Global Crisis

Dinh Tran Ngoc Huy

Over recent years, hardware industry in Viet Nam has reached a lot of achievements. Under the volatility of stock price, and changes in macro factors such as inflation and interest rates, the well-established hardware market in Viet Nam has many efforts to recover and grow from the crisis 2008. This study analyzes the impacts of 4 factors: time point, competitor size, tax rate policy and leverage on market risk for the listed firms in the hardware industry as it becomes necessary.
First, by using quantitative and analytical methods to estimate asset and equity beta of total 22 listed companies in Viet Nam hardware industry with a proper traditional model, we found out that the beta values, in general, for many companies are acceptable.
Second, under 3 different scenarios of changing tax rates (20%, 25% and 28%), we recognized that there is the largest dispersion in equity beta value (0,2), if leverage up to 30% and doubling size competitors for the period of the whole fiscal year 2011.
Third, by changing tax rates in 3 scenarios (25%, 20% and 28%), this study identified that the risk dispersion level in this sample study could be minimized in case the competitor size doubling, tax rate up to 28% and financial leverage down to 20% (measured by asset beta var of 0,075) at the time point t0 or end of the fiscal year 2010.
Finally, this paper provides some outcomes that could provide companies and government more evidence in establishing their policies in governance.
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Implementation of E-Governance in India: Opportunies and Challenges

Kiran Preet Kaur, Dr Sawtantar Singh Khurmi

E-Government means different things for different people. Some simply define it as digital governmental information or a way of engaging in digital transactions with customers. The word Governance in relation to the country, means proposing the societies a system, capable to deliver various services for a excellence existence. Governance similarly means controller and power. Wherever these two are to be trained, they should be exercised keeping in mind the interests of people. Traditionally, the interaction between a citizen or a business and a government agency took place in a government office. With the emerging Information and Communication Technology (ICT) it is now possible to locate service centers closer to the clients. In this Paper we discussed about the sustainable e-Governance Programs and usage of the ICT in Rural Areas of Punjab and their Challenges. It has endeavored to evaluate Punjab’s attempt to develop its e-government infrastructure on the lines of as implemented in Chandigarh. In particular area the local language of the people, Personal Data privacy, etc., are the main challenges which are more responsible for making failure of e-Governance in India.
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Integration of ICT in the Teaching-Learning Process in India

Amit Kumar, Tanvir Singh, Dr. Yunfei Liu

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has influenced every sphere of life including education in India. In fact, it has emerged as one of the significant tool in class room transactions. The conventional teaching-learning process is being replaced by smart and interactive one. Though, the teacher as well as student community has to travel a long distance to take the teaching-learning process to that level in India, but the journey has already started in the right direction to achieve the ultimate goal of bridging the digital divide. Audio-visual aids have already been introduced to make learning more effective. E-learning is being blended with existing teaching-learning process. The lecture method is being supplemented with learning-by-doing method for operative and productive learning. Different strategies are being developed by the teachers to cater the need of heterogeneous group of learners. The teaching – learning process is taking a giant leap towards student centric education. Teacher is all set to play the role of a facilitator as the students are going to harness the technology for self-paced learning. Every stake holder is playing his role to set the platform for realizing this transformation. Access to technology has become far easier than ever and Indian education system is all set for a constructive transformation. In this study, we have discussed the changing face of education in India owing to the integration of ICT in the teaching-learning process. Further, we have addressed the critical issues like challenges being faced by the educators in implementing the ICT in teaching-learning process. Also, we have discussed the innovative practices which can be applied to make learning more efficient and progressive.cular area the local language of the people, Personal Data privacy, etc., are the main challenges which are more responsible for making failure of e-Governance in India.
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The Hybrid Cigarette Features the e-cig Technology: A Literature Review

Nisha Singh

The world we live in is constantly changing and new technologies make it look quite different than it used to be. People are more interested in discovering all the options at their disposal and making the best choices for their well-being. Smoking has always been an addictive habit that has been part of thousands of people’s lives. Nowadays, all smokers are more open to alternatives and options at their disposal that might help them change their life. E-cigarettes have become widely popular in the last five years because they represent an effective intermediary solution for those who wish to give up on their nicotine addiction that was brought to life by standard cigarettes.
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Methodology of Multimedia and Visualization

Avneet Kaur

New visualization tools have been developed but geospatial data models and theories remain unchanged because they enable a user to determine a video’s distinguishing content without investing long viewing times or requiring high network- transfer speeds. Recent developments in computer hardware and algorithm design have made possible content to integrate media indexing with computer visualization to achieve effective content-based access to video information. This paper starts addressing the theoretical aspect of a multimedia visualization and a consistent framework to express different types of data sources.
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